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Mit dem Weinschenker schenkst du deinen Wein tropffrei und stilvoll ein. Dieses Set aus zwei passt auf die meisten Weinflaschen, ist spülmaschinenfest und verleiht jeder Situation eine elegante Note—perfekt für jeden Weinliebhaber.
4,6/5 aus über 130.000 Amazon-Bewertungen
Mindestens 5 Jahre Garantie
Ein ideales Geschenk für jede Gelegenheit
Mache das Einschenken eines Glases Wein zu einer mühelosen Erfahrung mit dem Vacu Vin Weinschenker. Das tropffreie Design sorgt dafür, dass dein Tisch und die Flasche sauber bleiben, während das elegante und zeitlose Design jeder Situation eine stilvolle Note verleiht. Ob du ein erfahrener Weinliebhaber bist oder einfach gerne ein gutes Glas Wein genießt, dieses Set aus zwei Weinschenkern macht das Einschenken besonders einfach.
Setze den Weinschenker einfach auf eine Standard-Weinflasche auf und schenke den Wein entspannt ein. Nach der Verwendung kannst du die Schenker problemlos in der Spülmaschine reinigen und für die nächste Flasche bereitmachen.
Verbessere und vereinfache dein Weingenuss-Ritual mit dem Vacu Vin Weinschenker. Bestelle jetzt und erlebe das perfekte tropffreie Einschenken.
Product Dimensions in MM | 105x160x34 |
Net Weight Product in KG | 0.023 |
It looks nice, it pours nice and evenly and it did not drip. We even put it to the test trying to make it drip, not 1 drop.
If you enjoy wine and/or serve it for guests, then the Vacu Vin crystal wine servers are an essential accessory. No need to belabor the point - they just do exactly what they advertise every time. The rubber seal keeps the server securely in place; we've never found a bottle that didn't accommodate one. Don't be misled by the product name - the servers are made of plastic, but that just means that they're easy to wash/care for and they've held up through a lot of use with no discoloration or other problems. As with many of the Vacu Vin offerings, these are a superb solution at a very reasonable price.
Simple. Durable. Inexpensive. And they work!! We're so impressed and happy with these, and have received compliments on their performance, that we've gifted these to a couple of people already! Great find!
No drips when you pour but watch out!! The wine pours out in a long arc, which is an unexpected surprise, not like what you are normally used to when decanting directly from a wine bottle. It's very easy to overshoot your glass and have the wine end up all over your table cloth, somewhat of a worse outcome than a drip or two.If you can get used to the catapult of wine, it's a neat and handsome product, impressive looking.
These don't fit tightly inside about half the bottles that I have tried them on, so they start to fall out and leak around the edges when trying to pour through them. On some bottles these work fine, but they practically fall out of the other half. I'm a 27 year wine professional, trust me, avoid this particular design.