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Der Champagneröffner Compact ist ein elegantes, vierzinkiges Werkzeug, das den Korken von Champagner- und Schaumweinflaschen sicher und ohne Knall entfernt. Sein ergonomisches Design sorgt für eine bequeme Handhabung und einfache Bedienung.
4,6/5 aus über 130.000 Amazon-Bewertungen
Mindestens 5 Jahre Garantie
Ein ideales Geschenk für jede Gelegenheit
Häufig zusammen gekauft
Der Champagneröffner Compact von Vacu Vin ermöglicht das sichere und einfache Entfernen von Korken ohne Knall. Dank seines vierzinkigen Designs und des ergonomischen Griffs ist er das ideale Werkzeug für das sichere Öffnen von Champagner- und Schaumweinflaschen
Nach dem Entfernen der Folie und des Drahtkorbs platzieren Sie die Zinken des Öffners um den Korken, drehen die Flasche (nicht den Korken) und ziehen den Korken sicher heraus.
Entfernen Sie Champagnerkorken sicher und ohne Knall mit dem Champagneröffner Compact von Vacu Vin. Ergänzen Sie noch heute Ihre Sammlung mit diesem unverzichtbaren Werkzeug!
Produktabmessungen in mm | 95x160x69 |
Nettogewicht des Produkts in kg | 0.09 |
Je connaissais l'ancien modèle. J'ai acheté celui ci pour l'offrir. Top ! 👍
Já possuía um desses e comprei mais um pois é uma excelente alternativa quando alguma lata ou long neck está quente e se deseja beber gelada. É só deixar a bebida alguns poucos minutos com o produto e dentro do freezer e logo estará pronto para beber. Exemplo de praticidade.
Já possuía um desses e comprei mais um pois é uma excelente alternativa quando alguma lata ou long neck está quente e se deseja beber gelada. É só deixar a bebida alguns poucos minutos com o produto e dentro do freezer e logo estará pronto para beber. Exemplo de praticidade.
Produto útil e eficiente para apreciadores de champagne e vinhos. Recomendo.
Muito bonito e de ótima qualidade, eu já conhecia a marca, é excelente.
Produto de excelente qualidade!!!
It looks nice, it pours nice and evenly and it did not drip. We even put it to the test trying to make it drip, not 1 drop.
If you enjoy wine and/or serve it for guests, then the Vacu Vin crystal wine servers are an essential accessory. No need to belabor the point - they just do exactly what they advertise every time. The rubber seal keeps the server securely in place; we've never found a bottle that didn't accommodate one. Don't be misled by the product name - the servers are made of plastic, but that just means that they're easy to wash/care for and they've held up through a lot of use with no discoloration or other problems. As with many of the Vacu Vin offerings, these are a superb solution at a very reasonable price.
Excelente!!. No sabia que este instrumento existía. Estoy satisfecha. Se me habían dañado varias botellas de vinos porque nunca me las tomo completas y las guardaba en la nevera, pero al cabo de unos dias ya no tenia buen sabor el vino y tenia que botarlo.
Excelente!!. No sabia que este instrumento existía. Estoy satisfecha. Se me habían dañado varias botellas de vinos porque nunca me las tomo completas y las guardaba en la nevera, pero al cabo de unos dias ya no tenia buen sabor el vino y tenia que botarlo.
I have used these for years, especially since I regularly decant bulk wine into glass bottles. For some reason, this one didn't "click" to signal when the vacuum in the bottle had been achieved. Hard to determine that the stopper has sealed, especially when I lay the bottles down for storage in my cooler. Leaks can be wasteful and messy. After directly contacting Vacu Vin, they showed concern and asked questions. Today, they replaced the defective unit. VERY pleased with the Customer Service!
I have used these for years, especially since I regularly decant bulk wine into glass bottles. For some reason, this one didn't "click" to signal when the vacuum in the bottle had been achieved. Hard to determine that the stopper has sealed, especially when I lay the bottles down for storage in my cooler. Leaks can be wasteful and messy. After directly contacting Vacu Vin, they showed concern and asked questions. Today, they replaced the defective unit. VERY pleased with the Customer Service!
I have used these for years, especially since I regularly decant bulk wine into glass bottles. For some reason, this one didn't "click" to signal when the vacuum in the bottle had been achieved. Hard to determine that the stopper has sealed, especially when I lay the bottles down for storage in my cooler. Leaks can be wasteful and messy. After directly contacting Vacu Vin, they showed concern and asked questions. Today, they replaced the defective unit. VERY pleased with the Customer Service!