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Bewahren Sie den Geschmack Ihres Weins länger mit unseren Weinstopfen grau, 6 Stück. Sie sind ideal in Kombination mit jeder Vacu Vin Weinpumpe und bieten eine praktische Lösung, um geöffnete Weinflaschen länger frisch zu halten.
4,6/5 aus über 130.000 Amazon-Bewertungen
Mindestens 5 Jahre Garantie
Ein ideales Geschenk für jede Gelegenheit
Seit 1986 sind Vacu Vin Weinstopfen die erste Wahl von Millionen Weinliebhabern weltweit, um das Aroma und den Geschmack ihrer Lieblingsweine länger zu bewahren. Nach dem Entfernen des Korkens sorgen diese universellen Stopfen für einen luftdichten Verschluss, der die Oxidation verlangsamt. In Kombination mit einer Vacu Vin Weinpumpe bleibt Ihr Wein länger frisch und bereit für den nächsten Genuss.
Setzen Sie den Weinstopfen einfach auf die Flasche, verwenden Sie die Weinpumpe und pumpen Sie die Luft heraus, bis das ideale Vakuum erreicht ist. Ihr Wein kann anschließend stehend im Kühlschrank oder auf der Arbeitsfläche aufbewahrt werden. Für Schaumweine empfehlen wir unseren Champagner-Stopper.
Halten Sie Ihren Wein mit den Vacu Vin Weinstopfen so frisch wie beim ersten Glas. Kombinieren Sie sie mit Ihrer Vacu Vin Weinpumpe für eine mühelose Weinlagerung – ergänzen Sie Ihre Sammlung noch heute!
Product Dimensions in MM | 132x223x34 |
Net Weight Product in KG | 0.084 |
The main goal in keeping wine "leftovers" is to prevent the wine from aging between the time you open the bottle and when you finish the remaining wine. Air destroys wine, so you need to minimize the air contacat. You also have to keep the wine in the fridge during this time, because 55F is a 'normal aging temperature' and since the air is already aging the wine, you want to minimize *any* other degrading that might go on. Any temperature over 55F will simply make things worse.The vacu-vin attempts to help by sucking the air out of a half-empty bottle of wine. Note that, instead of the few pumps their literature suggests, you need about 15 pumps to get most of the air out. For many wine types the fact that you are in essence lowering the pressure in the bottle pulls the 'liveliness' out of the wine, which ruins it.I have done a series of tests for my website comparing both a red and white after 3 days, being stored under a variety of circumstances. The vacu-vin "works" in the sense that it does remove most of the air. However, it was also found to greatly harm some wines - even when you compare its use against a simple cork.The *ideal* method of saving wine is cheap. Simply put the wine into a smaller glass bottle, cork it, and put it in the fridge. That has the best chance to keep the most common wines for another few days in the best condition. No air at all, no vacuum either. Of course, *no* method will really keep a wine in the same state it started in. You can always cook with the wine on the second day, and move along to your next bottle!Life is too short to drink bad or old wine :)
Great quality and fast delivery.
Does what they say on the tin. Sturdy, easy to use, and inexpensive. The main problem is misplacing them owing to their small size.
Each time I used this it never SAVED the wine…it did seem to vacuum, but then when I went to drink the wine…it didn’t work.I have used wine savers before, so I was using it right. Oh well -Alice
Had to replace some older corks that didn’t seal well. Pumping your wine will give it additional life without oxygenating for another 24-48 hours.